Virtues and Merits
Five Effective Tips to Guard the Tongue
As easy as it is to move the tongue; the sins which are committed by…
10 Things to do on Eid ul Adha
10 Things to do on Eid Ul Adha Eid Ul Adha, also known as the…
Finding Contentment in Allah’s Denial of Supplications
There are many times when we call upon Allah, pleading for Him to grant us…
If You Can’t pray 5 times a day Read this
Assalamualekum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu, If you can’t pray 5 times a day then read the following…
How Allah Mends Our Broken Hearts
When we are worried thinking about the future, we need to work hard but have…
How to Motivate Ourselves to Pray 5 Times a Day
You want to pray, but you just.. Can’t. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to be one…