Revert Stories
Joram Van Klaveren- A Former Dutch Politician Reverts to Islam
A former Dutch Politician has just accepted Islam after spending years campaigning against the religion.…
Dr. Jeffrey Lang – I Was Reading the Quran – I Found It Reading Me!
Dr. Jeffrey Lang is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Kansas, one…
Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi – from Hinduism to an Illustrious Scholar of Hadith
From time to time we hear stories about people reverting to Islam. But there are…
Virtues and Merits
This is Why a Difficulty Can Be a Blessing
When we have a problem in life, Allah says, ‘don’t worry, with that difficulty there…
Practical Tips for the Night Prayer (Very Informative)
Numerous Ahadeeth and Qur’anic verses mention the excellence of Qiyaam al-Layl and the merit of…
The Best Way to Encourage Children to Recite the Quran?
The Qur’an is the word of Allah. It’s an honor and blessing for every Muslim…
Three Easy Ways to Raise Your Rank in Jannah
Imagine yourself in Jannah, just one level above your friend, yet the distance between the…
10 Beautiful Duas of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was constant in remembering and supplicating Allah Almighty. He would supplicate Him…
How to wake up for Tahajjud – 7 Strategies
In this article we will try to figure out some strategies that may help anyone…