u003cbru003eIslamic Blogs :
Story of Prophet Shammil (Samuel) AS
The State of the Israelites After JoshuaIbn Jarir reported that the condition of the Israelites…
Story of Prophet Elyas (Elisha) AS
Elisha’s Mission“And remember Our slaves, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, (all) owners of strength (in worshipping…
Story of Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel) AS
Allah Resurrects the DeadAlmighty Allah said:“Did you (O Muhammad) not think of those who went…
Story of Prophet Musa (Mose) AS and Harun (Aaron) AS
Description of the PharaohThe pharaoh who ruled Egypt was a tyrant who oppressed the descendants…
Story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) AS
Description of Jonah’s PeopleProphet Jonah (Yunus) (pbuh) also known as Dhan-Nun. About his people Almighty…
Story of Prophet Dhul-Kifl AS
Is he a Prophet?Allah the Almighty declared:” Remember Ishmael and Idris and Dhul Kifl, all…
Story of Prophet Ayyub (Job) AS
Job’s Family HistoryIbn Ishaaq stated that he was a man of Rum. His name was…
Story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) AS
Introduction to Joseph’s StoryThis is the most detailed and fascinating story in the Quran, involving…
Story of Prophet Shuaib AS
Shuaib’s MessageAllah the Almighty revealed the story of Shu’aib (pbuh):“To the people of Madyan (Madian)…
Story of Prophet Lut (Lot) AS
Prophet Lot (Lut)Description of the People of SodomProphet Abraham (PBUH) left Egypt accompanied by his…
Story of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) AS
Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)Isaac’s Sons – Jacob and EsauIsaac married Rebekah Bint Bethuel, Ibn Nahor, and…
Story of Prophet Ishaq AS
Isaac’s Sons – from CommentatorsThe Quran does not give details of Isaac’s life (pbuh), but…
Story of Prophet Ismail (Ishmael) AS
Abraham leaves Hajar and IshmaelOne day, Abraham woke up and asked his wife Hajar to…
Story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) AS
Description of Ibrahim AS and his Family Some of the People of the Book stated…
Story of Prophet Salih AS
Description of the People of Thamud After the destruction of the Ad, the tribe of…
Story of Prophet Hud AS
Description of the People of Ad The people of ‘Ad lived many years in the…
Story of Prophet Nuh(Noah) AS
Variation on the Birth of Noah He was Noah Ibn Lamik, Ibn Mitoshilkh, Ibn Enoch,…
Story of Prophet Idris (Enoch) AS
Allah has praised Idris, describing him as being a prophet and truthful:“Mention in the Book…