Is it possible to use the Quran as a cure for a physical disease? If so, could you please name a specialist in this kind of therapy?
A large number of people believe that the Quran is a cure for certain diseases only, such as epileptic fits and symptoms associated with being possessed by Jinn, but not physical diseases. This contradicts the relevant verses of the Quran and Hadeeths that indicate that the Quran is a cure for physical diseases. Moreover, Athkaar (remembrances and mentionings of Allah) and authentic Du‘aa’ (supplications) ascribed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam , are also cures for physical ailments. Allah The Almighty Says (what means):
{And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers.} [Quran 17:82]
All Quranic verses are a cure and a mercy for believers. Ibn Sa‘di said that the Quran contains a cure for all ailments, including physical diseases.
Allah The Almighty Says (what means):
{Say, "It is, for those who believe, a guidance and cure."} [Quran 41:44]
Ibn Sa‘di deduced from this verse that the Quran contains a cure for all physical diseases, and those of the heart, mind and soul.The following are authentic texts from the Sunnah indicating that the Quran cures physical diseases:
- When Abu Sa‘eed Al-Khudri read Chapter Al-Faatihah as a Ruqyah (Quranic healing) for a sick non-Muslim, Allah The Almighty cured him. When he told the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, about what had happened, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, approved of what he had done. [Al-Bukhari]
- Ibn Al-Qayyim deduced from this Hadeeth that the effect of reciting the Quran in Ruqyah for curing some diseases is better than the effect of medicine.
- The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to read chapters Al-Falaq and An-Naas over a sick member of his family. Muslim narrated this Hadeeth on the authority of ‘Aa’ishah R.A. .There is a lot of evidence on this topic, but what has been mentioned should suffice. For Ruqyah to really be effective as a cure, both the person who performs it and the one who receives it must have sincere faith in Allah The Almighty.
I cannot name a person who can perform Ruqyah for you. There are many righteous people who can do that, and I am sure you can find one of them.
Allah Knows best.
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