Assalamualekum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu, If you can’t pray 5 times a day then read the following points which will help you to increase your Imaan and help you to start pray 5 times a day.

- Instead of thinking Salah is a duty or a command, change the perspective in a different direction.
- Think of its a five time as personal time away from the anxiety that the world creates.
- It’s your own personal time to slow down, re-center yourself and clear your mind.
- This is your unique moment to be self-centered where other things or people don’t bother, interfere a d drain your energy out.
- the reality is that the world puts a heavy burden on us, and Salah is a relief from that burden.
- so when the world turn back to you, you turn back to Salah.
- And when you take this time to connect yourself , you automatically connect to Allah.
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A fantastic site. Subhan Allah.
I recommend you to launch ur app with the same material.
It is beautiful to see everything at one place
This website is amazing
Can u add the 10 mini surahs with English meaning.
: Surah Fil
106: Surah Quraysh
107: Surah Maun
108: Surah Kawthar
109: Surah Kafirun
110: Surah Nasr
111: Surah Masad
112: Surah Ikhlas
113: Surah Falaq
114: Surah Nas
mashallah 😍 This website is amazing
Can we have this app I want to learn more about my religion and come closer to Allah
Fantastic everything in one place