اللهم لا تجعل في قلبي كراهية لأحد
Allahumma laa taj3al fee qalbee karaahiyyah li aHad.
Oh Allah, don’t let the hate of anyone reside in my heart.
Lets Explore Islam
IslamesticLets Explore Islam
IslamesticAllahumma laa taj3al fee qalbee karaahiyyah li aHad.
Oh Allah, don’t let the hate of anyone reside in my heart.
What ever lines i type above is all
Jazkallah this website help me alot
May Allah swt bless you
masya Allah.. alhamdulillah… when im feeling something in my heart.. i can read the dua immediately!🥰
Ma sha Allah
Jazakallah bhaijaan ❤️
Jazakallah-kayran🙏🙏 May Allah reward you greatly and grand you Al-jannah firdaus in-sha-Allah
Maasha allah…. Alhamdulillah…This app is really usefull for me… It’s really good🥹. I just really love to read all the duas and dikhr.. This make me close to allah and deen.. Jazakallahu khair for this app..May Allah grant you high success in all your affairs
Ma sha Allah Barak Allah feekum excellent 👍📚✅🎊