اللهم امنحني القوة لأقاوم نفسي، والشجاعة لأواجه ضعفي، واليقين لأتقبل قدري، والرضا ليرتاح عقلي، والفهم ليطمئن قلبي
Allahumma imnaHnee alQuwwah li aQwaami nafseee, wa ash-Shujaa3ah li uwaajih da3fee, wa alYaqeeni li ataQabbal qadree, wa ar-riDaa li yartaah 3aQalee, wa alfahm li yaTmainna Qalbee
Oh Allah! Grant me the strength to oppose myself, the courage to face my weakness, the conviction to accept my faith, the satisfaction of to relax my mind, and the understanding to reassure my heart.
جزاكم الله خيراً
May Almighty Allah reward you abundantly for creating such a beautiful and easy tool to enable us to have access to the duas.
JazakAllah khair for sharing such an amazing and excellent information/application brother or whoever has created this application. May Allah Subhuman Allah bless him or her or both with good health and long healthy and happy life 😊 ❤️
Ameen Summa Ameen ya Rabbus Samawati wal Arad
O Allah give me a friend. I want to travel some places. Plz Allah grant my dua in this Ramadan. U r powerful. You can give any thing with baraka, rohmot, all types of blessings in this holy morning.
I wait for your rohmot. Please bring it with the hands of my parents. Specially after Fozor salat with my Baba
I am waiting for your mastic my Allah.my rob.
Masha Allah good work, Allah bless your site.
Masha Allah good work, Allah bless your site
I am confident well determined and in self actualization stage
Jazakallah for such a beneficial contribution. This site is life changing.
May Allah’s Barakah be with you in this good work. Baraka Allahu Fikh
Whatever feeling disturbing you or making happy on two click incline towards Almighty Allah and seek his refuges or thanks in the way our prophet taught us, great work.