اللهم غض بصرى و حصن فرجى و طهر قلبى
Allahumma GuD baSaree wa Hassin farjee wa Tahhir Qalbee
Oh Allah! Lower my gaze، protect my private parts، and purify my heart!
Lets Explore Islam
IslamesticLets Explore Islam
IslamesticAllahumma GuD baSaree wa Hassin farjee wa Tahhir Qalbee
Oh Allah! Lower my gaze، protect my private parts، and purify my heart!
Excellent.User friendly.Instant solutions to your feelings.
A wonderful Site Alhamdulillah.
Plz incorporate the voice also so that one can recite and pronounce properly.
Though it is an insightful attempt to spread the hidden things from the common or less fortunate people.
Jazakallah khair.
JazakIlah khair,may Allah reward i for the great work u have done,in this world n the hereafter.Ameen
Excellent, thank you compiling these in a so convenient manner. JazakAllah khair
omg i just found this website its so good, it would be amazing if they had the app too. Masha-Allah
May Allah SWT reward all of us jannatul firdaus without hisab and azab. Ameen ya rabb
Assalamu Alykum,May Allah SWT reward You abundantly
Ameen Allahoema Ameen 🤲