In this article we will try to figure out some strategies that may help anyone who is struggling to wake up for Tahajjud or Fajr. For some waking up early is the most difficult task of the day and they do not wake up until the crack of the dawn. This happens when a person feels deprived from the lack of sleep or enveloped in the fear of missing out on something from the night before.
Hazrat Abu Hurayra RA reported that the Prophet SAW said,"The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the Night Prayer (Tahajjud).” – [Sahih Muslim: 1163(a)]
Here Are Some Strategies Or Tips That We Hope Can Help You In Sha Allah:-
Intention :-
Whether you’re praying Tahajjud to meet a particular goal that you wish for or to please Allah, it should always be a given that your ultimate intention is to get closer to the Almighty and get His guidance at every corner of life.
Get Rid Of All Distractions At Least 1 Hour Before Sleeping :-
Put your phone to sleep and prevent all calls or notification until the next morning. Reading has a way of cleansing the mind, inspiring, and entertaining. But it also has a way of making you feel sleepy as long as it’s not done with a screen. Find a good physical book that you can read before bedtime. What other book is better than reading the Qur’an.
Make Dua before Sleeping :-
Make a Dua just before going to sleep, and state your wish of waking up to pray Tahajjud. Then ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for His help in fulfilling your wish. Indeed, when you make a Dua that pleases Allah as much as a person waking up in the middle of the night just for the sake of connecting with Him, it never gets denied.
Perform Ablution before Sleeping :-
Performing ablution before going to bed means you are sleeping in a state of purity. When your body is pure, and you intend to please Allah, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala makes it easier on you to fulfill your desire of waking up for Tahajjud on time during the night.
Don’t Overdo yourself :-
Take it one step at a time. When you wake up for Tahajjud in those early days while your body is still getting accustomed to the new routine, pace yourself and don’t overdo it by praying so many Rakats that you get up late in the morning afterward – missing the Fajr Prayer or messing up your work-life balance.
Set the Alarm :-
Of course, setting the alarm helps extensively in ensuring you wake up for Tahajjud every day with consistency. Also, waking up every night at the same time trains your body accordingly and with time, you get accustomed to the routine without a problem.
Drink lot of Water before going to Bed :-
Why? Because drinking a lot of water will cause you to wake up for pee in the earliest time thus waking you up and making you get out of the bed. In such a case your body doesn’t slip in the sleep from which it becomes difficult to wake up. Also, when you are up you move out of your bed and thus it will be much easier to get ready for the prayer.
May Allaah make it easy for us to wake up for tahajjud and fajr.
And Allah is the source of strength.
Macha’Allah * Baraka Allahu fik for people 😊
Mashallah subhanallah , for the first time I visited such a good website like this where we can know more about Islam and thanks again for that #I AM FEELING# feature 😘🥰
Alhamdulillah robbil alamina.
Very useful guides indeed.
Jazakum lahu khairan
subhan ALLAH that’s nice content , insha ALLAH it will become benifical for me.
Alihamdulilahi Robili Alameen
Alhamdulillah This is a unique guideline & i hope it is a helpful guideline for me .
Zajakallahkhairan ❤
Masha Allah this is a best website to learn many Islamic things. I’m so happy. May Allah bless you and grow your website.
Very very beautiful and easy way to get the daily routine Duwas for a Muslim
Ma Sha Allah.very nice and excellent website now a days
Mashallah tabarakllah I’m sooo sooo feeling good to read this article or post ..it’s very helpful for each and everyone and I’m blessed to part of the tajweed islah group members with the help of this group I’m getting more and more knowing about the islam Alhamdulillah 👍 and I’ll suggest to all of my friends and family members to join this islamestic and donate some money for sadique jarriyah last but not least bhttt hi aach laga yeh daik kar kis tarha aplg islamestic website banakar islam ko aaghye pehlare allah apku iska aajar zarur degaa in shaa allah