On 31st March Hindutva mod celebrating the festival Ram Navami attacked a Muslim Neighborhood in the state of Bihar in India, they proceeded to vandalize a mosque nearby.
The mob also set fire to a madrassa where 4500 books were reportedly burned, which included copies of the Holy Quran.
the 110 year old library was vandalized by the armed mob of around 1000 people. the saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library.
The burning of Madrasa Azizia, the oldest madrasa of Bihar Sharif completely, is also very regrettable because in this fire a whole date of 110 years has been burnt to ashes. Because it was the only building in Bihar apart from the Khuda Baksh Library, whose entire structure was the same as it was at the time of its opening. Rare furniture, rare almirah, and rare books (which was more than 4500 of that time).
Another thing is that in the eyes of the people, this is just a common madrassa, which used to run with the donations of Muslims, whereas it is not so. This is Bihar’s first well-organized madrassa. It has its own golden date, which was established till date. This is the first madrasa in Bihar which had a huge Waqf property. Because of which the Maulvi who taught here used to get salary not from the donation money, but from the income earned from the property of that Waqf.
And when the Madrasa Board was established in 1920 by Syed Fakhruddin, the first education minister of Bihar, Madrasa Azizia also became a government madrasa like Madrasa Shamsul Hoda. But there was also the interference of the Sogra Waqf State, because this madrasa was opened by Bibi Sogra, the most charitable woman in the history of Bihar, in the memory of her husband Abdul Aziz. In 1896, Bibi Sogra dedicated all her property, whose annual income at that time was one lakh twenty thousand, for education and social work. Whose Nizam is still done through Sogra Waqf State Bihar Sharif Nalanda.
Educational institutions like Madrasa Azizya, Sogra High School and Sogra College are continuing under the supervision of Sogra Waqf State, the first of these to come into existence was Madrasa Azizya. This is a famous day-education center in the area, where a large number of children used to live and study, which continued till the arrival of Covid. There is a large number of people who have studied from here, in which the names of Mufti Nizamuddin (Deoband), Maulana Abu Salma (Calcutta) etc. are worth mentioning.
In the last century, all the big people of Muslims who have come out of Bihar Sharif area, most of them have studied here. Nowadays it was also the center of Adolescent Education Program. A few months ago, a team of United Nations had visited here under the leadership of Andrea M Wojnar, who also praised the Nizam here.
Today Madrasa Azizia has 10 teachers and 2 non-teaching staff from the government. Whereas 5 teachers used to get salary from Sogra Waqf State. About 500 children, both boys and girls, study here. Those who were given education from class topper to Fazil.
Nisab-e-Talim i.e. the syllabus of Asari and Deeni Talim
It was Sangam. Where Quran, Hadith, Fiqh were taught along with Mantik, Philosophy, Tib and also Hindi, English, Urdu, Arabic, Maths, Geography etc. were taught. Overall, it was a model madrasa of Bihar, because it was set ablaze on the pretext of riots. And in this, from approval letter to basic documentation has been completed. The effect of which will be seen in the coming days.
Talking to Zee News, the secretary of Madrasa Azizia has linked this whole incident with the burning of Nalanda University. He said that the way it happened once with Nalanda University, people have done another form of it with Madrasa Azizia.
>> By the way, a few years ago in 2017 also Madrasa Azizia was damaged. Then the police was stationed here for a long time.
Please Share this article as much as you can because i know media will not cover these things
Allahumma ajirni minal nahrr.
May Almighty Allah save Us from the punishment of The Hell Fire. 🙏
May we all be found by faith and be counted amongst the “true believers. Amin
Thuma Ameen
May Allah destroy those who were involved in this world 🌎
So others will pay heed to other religious institutions Ameen
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu!!!
Allahumma ajirni minal nahrr.
May Almighty Allah save Us from the punishment of The Hell Fire. 🙏
May we all be found by faith and be counted amongst the “true believers. Amin
Hope those involved in the inferno will repent and government should effect damages, find ways to replace the burnt Qur’ans and others. If they are not done, Allah SWT will judge all involved accordingly. I wish the management and the scholars and members of the mosque my heart felt over the incident. Allah will surely be there guide and guidance always.
Can anybody find the contact info for the masjid leaders? I would like to replenish what was lost in the fire.
May Allah give us a better madrasa again. My Allah distory those who do this to the masjids and precious places.