Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
To bring to your attention, I am managing and organizing the site alone. To keep the site working, I request everyone to please fund for our site! In Sha Allah this will be counted in Sadqah e jaariyah and everyone will be immensely rewarded for it too…
And May Allah grant me the strength to put in my best efforts for this website to spread Islamic knowledge all over the world…
Please donate via the information provided below
جزاك الله خيرًا
For Indian People:
UPI - islamestic@hdfcbank islamestic@ibl Name- Mohd Azam
Bank Name - HDFC Bank Account Number - 50100563567354 IFSC Code - HDFC0000659
QR code

or Click Below Button
Other Method
we run 2 Pages on Instagram
1. @islam_estic – (Main one)
2. @thathalalakhi
You can also support us by giving us Gifts on Instagram by using below link:-
Algamdulillah Allah is greater than what we think and set in the heart of a person whatever he wants for vrrily Allah love the lovers Ameen.
Please correct the spelling
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
جزاكم الله خيرا، you and every other brother and sister who who write, ( unintentionally or by chance , misspelled , etc) name of our Almighty Allah , whether it is written separately or with some epithet that goes only with the name of our Noble Creator .
Assalam Alaykum Mashallah great site, good knowledge we get, I am 67 years and I have foreword it in my group. In’shallah kamiyabi hasil ho aapko.
Masha Allah. Great website and we get great information of our deen .Allah(swt)give the reward for ur noble and humble cause .”wa” “antum fajazakumu llahu khayran”.
May Allah reward you for your great idea and efforts.
This is the most beautiful website i had ever seen.
I am 76 years old.
Thank you!
May Allah reward you for your great idea and efforts.
This is the most beautiful website i had ever seen.
Thank you!
Mācha Allah
Thank you very much. I have got some useful informations for perfecting my salah.
how and where to subscribe and submit email address, and receive you new inputs?
Please check article we have given all the details below
Wow👏🏻Mashaa Allah
Asalam Alaekum, Alhamdullillahi for the great work, may Allah (SWT) multiple your efforts.
However, I’m unable to access your Facebook page for further connections to your ideas and especially to ‘send stars’.
Kindly avail us your Facebook site address, thanks.
Just click on the Send Star button or You can go using below link
Allhamdulillah, this really interesting. May Allah bless the site. How do I donate like from Nigeria in particular? Jazakallahu khairan
PayPal for more check donate us tab and soon we are open campaign on launchgood
Pls can you have Apple Pay as well . It makes it a lot easy to donate. May Allah strengthen your imaan and protect all Muslims in India and all over the world.
Jazakumullahu Khairan
Assalam-u-alykum if paying via PayPal which currency do you need the money?
USD You can send any currency.
Yes also from Nigeria. I Need to know the process for donation.
Can you help me any one
For deen
mail us on [email protected]
May Allah reward you for your great idea and efforts.
This is the most beautiful website i had ever seen.
I am 76 years old.
Thank you!
Assalam alaikum,
MashaAllah… excellent site.
Would we be having an ‘app’ in the near future?
Jazakallah Khair
yes, in sha Allah
Can you specify one of the major banks in Nigeria viz First Bank Ltd;Access bank etc.
Transfer of fund through PayPal is not workable with me.
Actually its impossible to provide bank details for every country. if you are unable to donate through PayPal you can choose other method like by sending stars on Instagram or Facebook.
May ALLAH (S) reward you for what this great work.
May Allah swt reward you
This is sooo wonderful
Jazak Allah Khairum
It’s very beautiful ❤️
Masha Allah Brother
Really appreciated
It’s a really great work from you.
I want to share some love but in Pakistan PayPal service is not available.
Can you please update any other options.
till now we dont have but in future we will update it
I want Google pay number for donating money for website
Qrcode is given please check donate us button in menu or Scroll below the website
Qr code is given please check donate us button in menu or Scroll below the website
Assalaam O Alaikum
UPI id plz….
already mentioned in blog
Asalaamu alaikum wa raghmatulaahi wa barakaatu shukran for this website. I’m from Cape Town South Africa
Beautiful 😍 website for Muslim
MashaAllah! Excellent work. May Allah reward you and showers His countless blessings upon you. Aameen
How do people from dubai pay
InshaAllah we will add a compaign on launchgood soon
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
I am from District Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
MashaAllah! Excellent work Brother. May Allah reward you and showers His countless blessings upon you and keep going on your future Dreams and Goals am always with you. Aameen
Salaam, I was going to donate with my credit card but there is no option for that.
I am from USA.
insha Allah soon we are going to add a campaign on Launch good so you can easily donate to us
jazakallah khair for this lovely wesbite inshallah Allah blesses you in this life and the next
Jazakumllahu kahiran may Allah subuhanAllahu watahalah reward you for this special package and increases your knowledge
Mashallah,Your efforts remembered me one quote “Give to the world the best you have the best will come 🫴 back to you”.
May Allah bless you with lots of happiness and prosperity.
May Allah accept your efforts.
Hope you’re good.
Is there an option of making an app which runs on mobile.
Inshallah in future we will work on making app
Mashaa Allah, May Allah swt reward you for the good work have done to Islam and the humanity, pls am from Nigeria how should i donate?
Brother 99 names of RasoolAllah bhi post kro Allah k naam hai Or Allah k Habeeb k nahi😢
Soon we will upload
ماشاءاللہ through your website I have gained so many knowledge about our prophets. May Allah (swt) give you a great place in both worlds.
Masha Allah, God Almighty will bless you abundantly.
Assalamualaikum wahrahmatualiahi wabarkathu. I had never seen any site like this one Alhumdulialih.
Amazing site, very inspiring and beautifully designed
God bless
Indeed, content-wise this website is unique. JazakAllah khair!
جزاكم الله خيرا
Alhamdullilah/ May Allah opens our heart with HIS blessing. Aamiin
Apa bisa dibuat dalam bahasa indonesia, dan saya dari indonesia, bagaimana caranya untuk berdonasi? 🙏
choose your language from the bottom of website and for donation we are accepting through Paypal
Ma shaa allah❤️ Such a beautiful website & excellent work alhamdulillah🥰
May allah reward you Aameen 🤲
make this website as a application, it’ll be easy to use. Jazak’Allah
Alhamdulillah Robbiliallamin for this great work,may Allah accept it as an act of worship. Thumbs up
No other Islamic website compares to this. May Allah strengthen you to do more. Amen Ya Rab. Arrange to accept donations also through bitcoin
JazakaAllahu khairan, may Almighty Allah bless you Mallam
assalamualaikum mashallah you are doing a great work for the UMMAH
Yes You can
JazakaAllahu khairan , alhamdulillah i learned so much in this website may allah bless your great effort for the ummah..
You are running a good site and i am regular visitor of your site. I am a UI UX Designer and i am want to know that what is font you are using for arabic language..please do mention in reply it really helps me do works on that.
love form India
اچھا ہے
Masha Allah Great Job May Allah bless you and fulfill your Desires 🤲💯💐
Masha Allah this site is amazing.. I came across this site via TikTok.. I’m really excited to use your site… Thank you so much for coming up with something absolutely amazing like this…. May Allah bless all of you for coming up with something that’s really convenient like this.. Jazakallah… May Allah bless us all In Shaa Allah…
It helped me a lot. Thank you.
Fajr namas l work in this namas l now how to pray
it was lettle bet hard
Am so happy I now how to pray
The end
I realy need it in Arabic..if you can do it in Arabic it ll be ablesure to me 🤗
Goto bottom of the website and select language as Arabic.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuhu this is excellent may Allaah SWT rewards you abundantly in this world and hereafter Barakalla feekum
Asalamalkum, amazing thing we definitely needed. Jazakallah Khair. I have donated some money towards your amazing work Mashallah. May Allah SWT put barakah in it.
May Allah reward you
May ALLAH (S) reward you for what this great work.
Alhamdulillah beautiful website. I send it out on social media all the time. You have a section called Namaz not everyone knows the word namaaz especially new Muslims. Would it be possible to change it to Salaah . JazakAllah Khair
Mashallah what a website,when
ever I come to this site I feel comfortable bt reciting every dua ‘s…
Great effort mashaa Allah, jazaka allahu Khairan, it would be helpful if a little explanation and reasons is given with each feeling a human would experience in life
That why humans will appreciate the duaas and recite them with reflection and connection.
Assalamualaikum to everybody, Alhamdulillah, doing an very exciting job masha allah, may god bless u and fulfill all ur halal goals Aameen
How can we Pakistani donate, we don’t have PayPal in Pakistan.
Salam, I appreciate your great work, but please, I want to recite with Urdu Tarjumma. There are some mistakes; please correct