How to develop Sabr (Patience) in Islam? 6 Steps to develop Sabr in Islam.
Patience, or Sabr, has many benefits, but we all know it may not always be easy to be patient. Find […]
Lets Explore Islam
Lets Explore Islam
IslamesticPatience, or Sabr, has many benefits, but we all know it may not always be easy to be patient. Find […]
When we say Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah), we are glorifying Allah above any imperfection or deficiency. It is […]
When we have a problem in life, Allah says, ‘don’t worry, with that difficulty there is easy.’ You will never […]
Numerous Ahadeeth and Qur’anic verses mention the excellence of Qiyaam al-Layl and the merit of those who perform it regularly. […]
The Qur’an is the word of Allah. It’s an honor and blessing for every Muslim parent to witness their children […]
Imagine yourself in Jannah, just one level above your friend, yet the distance between the two of you is of […]
Halimah Bint Abi Dhuayb best known as Halima Sadiyah was the wetnurse and foster-mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She and […]
Thuwaybah was one of the Sahabas (companions) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His first Nurse. The meaning of her name […]
Aminah, the mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the daughter of Wahhab, was born in 549 CE in Makkah in the […]
Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib(RA) was the father of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was born in 545 CE. Abdullah […]